Category Archives: Cross Stitchery

Snowman Rallie is finished!

Rallie is finished!   YAY!!!


Now I just need to trim off the excess plastic canvas, attach a piece of ribbon for a hanger, and back it with felt.  The hardest part will be finding the felt!  I know I have it somewhere in a box of craft supplies. . .

I’m not sure what small project I want to start next.  I may start one of Rallie’s siblings or maybe a butterfly from this series.  Or probably both!  One can’t have too many unfinished projects laying around!  Or do I have that backwards?  Maybe you can have too many.  Nah!




It’s time for my YOTA post, and this month I actually have progress to report! I am super excited about it because I have been slacking the last couple months on my YOTA projects.

I have been working on The Legend of the Doogwod Tree the last few days. It is not a lot of progress but I am happy to see the stitches.


I managed to get some stitches in on the flowers and some backstitching.  This piece is difficult to stitch because there are A LOT of color changes and some colors only have 1 or 2 stitches.  It makes for slow going.  But I really like the subject matter and look forward to see it hanging on my wall (in about 10 years).

Until next time.


Rallie Snowman Ornie update

It has been so long since my last post!  I’ve had a long going on and it has definitely interferred with my stitching!

But I have managed to get in a little stitching here and there on my Rallie ornament.  Here is my progress to date.


It’s not a lot of progress, but some is better than none I guess.  I am about 75% done with the stitching.  Whoo Hoo!  When complete, I plan to back it with black felt.

I had better get myself in gear if I want to finish all 5 of them by Chrsitmas!





I must hang my head in shame.  I have not stitched one stitch in Home Sweet Home.  NOT.  ONE.  STITCH.  I didn’t even pull it out of my Box O’ Projects to look at it.


This is where I left off last month and remain this month.  I have just not been motivated to stitch on this project at all.  Terrible, isn’t it?!

I am going to switch gears and go back to The Legend of the Dogwood Tree.  Maybe I will have better luck with the motivation factor.

But, to be fair, it’s not like I haven’t been doing any stitching.  I have been stitching on other projects like this one and this one – just not HSH.

Until next month!