Tag Archives: to do list

2019 – New Year, New Goals

As usual, everyone is talking about their big New Year’s Resolutions – lose weight, stitch more, run a marathon, etc., etc., etc.

I try not to make resolutions because I know myself, and myself usually doesn’t stick to them.  And then I feel like a big fat failure!

So, in order to keep from feeling like a big fat failure, I avoid “New Year’s Resolutions” like the plague.

That being said, I have set some “goals” for this year.  I find this usually helps keep me motivated.  And honestly, I really, really like to make lists.  I know, it’s weird.

Here is my To Do List for 2019!

Some items on the list were started years ago and now need to be turned into the final product.  Some items are halfway finished and some others haven’t even been started yet.  Some of them are cross stitch projects, but most of them are quilty pleasures.

And, most importantly, I want to start blogging again to chart my progress and keep me motivated.

I look forward to a very crafty year!