Category Archives: Cross Stitchery

March YOTA

For my YOTA stitching project for the month of February, I spent some time with The Legend of the Dogwood Tree.  This is a project I haven’t stitched on in a couple years.  I’m not sure what fabric it is – I believe it is an antique white 28-count loosely woven linen.  The pattern calls for three threads over two.

This is what I started with:


This is my progress as of today:


This pattern is not the funnest to stitch as it has A LOT of color changes.  And I am not used to stitching with three threads so it feels strange, but, over all, I am mostly happy with my progress this month.

For March, I will go back to stitching on Home Sweet Home.

See you next month!

February YOTA

For the YOTA challenge hosted by Pull the Other Thread, I have been stitching on my UFO “Home Sweet Home” by La-D-Da.

This was my progress when I pulled it out of hiding in mid-January:


When it is finished, it will hopefully look something similar to this:


And, drum roll please, this is my progress to date:


Not as much as I would have hoped considering the amount of hours I have put into it in the few weeks.

Once I started stitching on it, I remembered why I put it down.  I am having problems with the vines.  I don’t like how they are spaced.  There are some that are all bunched up together and then there are random blank spaces.  I don’t like it at all.  And I can’t just stitch them as the pattern calls for because it will drive me absolutely bonkers staring at it on the wall knowing that the vines are not evenly spaced.

So, what am I having to do?  Alter the pattern.  As I stitch, I am having to figure out which spots have too many vines and then trying to figure out which ones I can remove to make it look better.  And it is taking FOREVER.

In order to not drive myself too crazy, I think I am now going to switch to my other YOTA project I dug out of the bucket of cross stitch stuff.  It is “The Legend of the Dogwood Tree” by Praying Hands.  I will stitch on TLOTDT until the next YOTA post in March.

Artemisia Update

I’ve made some progress on the Artemisia butterfly.  I took this picture on Jan. 15.


And this picture shows my progress to date.  I would guess that I am about 70% done with this one.


The finished piece will be about 6 inches wide by about 4 inches tall.

There are a total of 14 charts in this series, but I only plan to stitch 8 of them.  Once I finish all 8, I want to frame them individually to hang on a wall.

Hopefully, I can finish this one soon so I can start another project.  My next start will be Loose Feathers by Blackbird Designs and I am super excited about it!